Global MBA
The RNCP – Level 7 title “Operational Activity Manager” is completed over one year of training. This year is
divided into teaching units, each of which contains different subjects that meet the expectations of the
blocks of competencies of the title.
Today’s operational managers steer and supervise their service/department/pole to ensure performance and
quality of activities while respecting the company’s strategy and policy.
Thus, their mission is to translate and transmit the strategic decisions taken by the top management to
control the activity and motivate the teams to optimize the organization of work while developing skills.
To do this, they act as an interface between their operational teams and the general management as well as
all the other operational departments of the group and the support functions (HR, internal control, etc.)
The operational business manager works in all market sectors and in all types of activities (industry, services,
The manager is responsible for translating the strategic orientations of the management into operational
objectives for his/her entity, organizing and planning the activity of the teams, maintaining and developing
the skills of the employees, implementing actions contributing to the optimization of the organization of
activities, steering and coordinating projects, participating in commercial development, reporting on his/her
activity, collaborating with the network of internal and external partners, and also carrying out a forwardlooking watch on the scope of his/her activity.
The operational business manager is therefore responsible for carrying out a variety of tasks while providing
management expertise. He/she must therefore have know-how such as mission management, project
management, team leadership and mastery of customer relations.
Analysis and deployment of the company’s global strategy at the level of an operational unit. He/she
contributes to integrating his/her unit into a global strategy and ensures operational coordination between
the General Management and the stakeholders within the scope of action.
Steering the activities of the operational unit He/she develops the master plan of activities in accordance
with the policies defined jointly with the General Management to bring his/her operational unit to the set
Steering the digital transformation, he/she deploys operational techniques to help his/her business unit
achieve the digital maturity expected by the company and the market environment.
Monitoring, forecasting, and public relations he/she understands the environment of his/her field of action
and its changes to control his/her activities, consolidate his/her business and evaluate the prospects for
development and innovation
Management of People and Organizations
The manager accompanies and manages the people in his/her unit to lead his/her organization to the
achievement of individual and collective individual and collective objectives in a diversified and digitally
changing work environment
The operational business manager contributes to the major strategic orientations and steers the
implementation of projects in their commercial and marketing, human and financial aspects of projects.
As a pivotal point between strategic development and operational management, he/she optimizes the
management of his/her resources and ensures the long-term development of his/her unit. He/she
communicates with all the company’s departments and supports the alignment of operations.
The operational manager of activities is generally responsible for the operational policy of his/her
operational unit, for budget management and for supervision. He/she articulates his/her activities within the
framework of the company’s general policy. He/she defines and effectively manages the commercial
strategy. In this capacity, he/she analyses complex situations in order to provide strategic proposals within
his/her unit.
– The candidate must hold a Bac+3 diploma, a level 6 RNCP title, or 180 ECTS credits (in management,
marketing, management, HR fields or equivalent)
– Candidates who do not hold a diploma or title mentioned above, but who have more than 2 years of
experience in managerial, commercial, or marketing responsibilities may be admitted (opinion of the
Pedagogical Commission)
Admission is based on a file, written tests, and a motivational interview.
The candidate for the course must prove his or her level with a diploma or a certificate of achievement. NB: a
a candidate who is unable to prove that he/she meets the necessary admission conditions within one month
of starting the course will not be able to remain at the institution providing the course
Practical teaching: knowledge acquired through alternating courses, lectures, e-learning, and teamwork
that encourages autonomy and responsibility.
– High-performance supervision: trainers, lecturers and specialized consultants intervene as professionals to
provide a high level of teaching
The objectives:
To promote employment by providing the necessary tools for employment in the host company or in
another company: title, skill set, evidence of professional activity (collaborative work, initiatives, etc.),
technical knowledge of the profession (technical, strategic and political), evidence of performance and
results, development (innovations, questioning, modernity, etc.)
A graduate must be operational and prove his/her motivation in the profession prepared. He/she must be
able to respond to the needs of companies and to the level expected. They must show reflection, analysis,
innovation, curiosity, and a global vision. During their training, they must prepare their career plan and leave
the school having integrated the permanent improvement of their portfolio of skills.
Level 7 title “Global MBA”